What does celebrating women look like? Well, it starts with asking them how they feel celebrated. So, I went around and spoke to the women in my life and asked them that exact question!
Every woman is unique which creates such a beautiful collage of needs and wants. My mother feels celebrated by having help around the house and jetting off to new destinations. Some of my friends enjoy jewelry, clothes, or Nintendo games. My coworkers look for random bouquets of flowers or a simple walk during the sunset. Neighbors would like to be able to spend hours decorating their home. Within my own little bubble women are still so different. We may live in the same area or work at the same place but when it comes to what helps us feel celebrated we could not be more different.
Life can be full of chaos which leads us to forget to celebrate ourselves and one another. There are women who are in history books or behind the scenes in creating change, there are women who are raising children, breaking the glass ceiling, and hiking ruthless mountains. We are worth celebrating.
Encourage conversation about self-worth and motivation. Support your sisters, coworkers, family members to follow their dreams despite the norm. Take time to push yourself towards the unknown as so many women have done before you. Change will not happen unless we create the spark that challenges the status quo. It is time to journal your thoughts, take yourself on a date, ask for what you need and most importantly celebrate yourself.
Thank you to every woman I have encountered, read about in the history books, and challenged me. Thank you for testing your limits and inspiring me to do the same. I celebrate you, the ones who were here, the ones who are now and the ones who will be.
Happy National Women’s History Month!